Tuesday 16 September 2014

Motivation.. Sometimes we do need to dedicate a day to planning and making checklists!

Today I had no desire or motivation to do anything but lay in bed.. I had so many things to do, that instead of getting on with it, I decided laying in my bed, doing nothing would solve everything.. crazy lazy I know. I think it may just be one of those days, but how am I supposed to get through it and end up making it a productive and fulfilled day. Well my first try was a quote on instagram for myself and my girls, this is it:

(Source: Instagram: @ayazumi_23)

Lovely quote, but didn't help. Second try was comfort food, didn't help, made me even sleepier. Then caffeine... and voila! I dragged myself out of bed, and realised still no motivation.. damn, didn't quite work, but one step at a time.

So I decided to do what helped me through my five years of university, planning! There is nothing better than a checklist, you put down what you want to do, dedicate days or time slots for it, and do it! Putting a tick on a checklist is one of the most satisfying things on earth!

Ok, fair enough I didn't leave myself to do much for today, but at least I have a plan of how to get everything done in time.. and no excuses tomorrow. We do sometimes just need that one day to be lazy and grumpy! Today is that day for me!

Lots of love,
Sant Lucijaa!


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